Daniel N. Aloi, Ph.D.
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Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Department 301 EC; (248) 370-2185; Fax: (248) 370-4633 [email protected] snsxedu.net/aewl |
1999, Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio.
1996, M.S.E.E., Ohio University, Athens, Ohio.
1992, B.S.E.E., Ohio University, Athens, Ohio (cum laude).
Work Experience
- Oakland University, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Oakland University
- 9/2012-present, Professor
- 9/2010-present, Chair
- 9/2007-9/2012, Associate Professor
- 1/2002-9/2007, Assistant Professor
- OnStar, Incorporated
- 6/2000 – 1/2002, Senior Project Engineer
- Ohio University, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- 9/1999-6/2000, Visiting Assistant Professor
External Funding History
- “Reliable Peripheral Nerve Interfaces,” Sponsor: Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) – Sub-contract from the University of Michigan, PIs: Daniel N. Aloi & Osamah Rawashdeh, 10/1/2011-9/30/2013, $170K.
- “Personal Privacy Jammer Antenna Modeling and Testing,” Sponsor: Federal Aviation Administration, PI: Daniel N. Aloi, 10/1/2011-9/30/2013, $120K.
- “Structural Components as Smart Antenna Elements in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles,” Sponsor: Michigan Space Grant Consortium (MSGC), PI: Daniel N. Aloi, Co-PIs: Osamah Rawashdeh and Mohammad Sharawi, 1/2009 – 12/2009, $10.0K. (Note: MSGC - $5K and Oakland University - $5K).
- “System Level Model Development of Car Finder at 2.4 GHz,” Sponsor: Chrysler, LLC. PI: Daniel N. Aloi, 5/2008 – 1/2009, $78.8K.
- “Wireless Propagation Channel Characterization at 915 MHz and 2.5 GHz in a Parking Garage for a Direction Finder System,” Sponsor: Daimler Chrysler, Research, Engineering and Design North America, PI: Daniel N. Aloi, 10/2007 – 5/2008, $48.9K.
- “Systems Engineering Training Grant for Electrical Engineers,” Sponsor: Chrysler, LLC. PI: Daniel N. Aloi, 12/2006 – 4/2007, $30.0K.
- “Acquisition of Automotive Measurement Instrumentation,” Sponsor: National Science Foundation – 2005 Major Research Instrumentation Program, PI: Daniel N. Aloi, Co-PIs: Andrew Rusek, Barbara Oakley and Patrick Dessert, 9/2005 – 9/2006, $813.0K. (Note: NSF - $400K, Oakland University - $220K and MI-Technologies - $193K)
- “Navigation Filter Development for Automotive Grade GPS Receivers,” Sponsor: OnStar, Inc., PI: Daniel N. Aloi, 7/2004 – 1/2005, $34.3K.
- “High Fidelity Antenna Model Development of the Integrated Multipath Limiting Antenna (IMLA) for Category I-II/III Siting Criteria,” Sponsor: Federal Aviation Administration, PI: Daniel N. Aloi, 5/2004 – 5/2006, $650.0K.
- “Performance assessment of Sony’s next-generation GPS Receiver,” Sponsor: Sony, Inc., PI: Daniel N. Aloi, 9/2002 – 8/2003, $50.0K.
- “Antenna and GPS Laboratory Development,” Sponsor: OnStar, Inc., PI: Daniel N. Aloi, 7/2002 – 1/2003, $65.6K.
Consulting Experience
OnStar, Inc., General Dynamics Land Systems, dB Systems, Pulse Engineering, Hirschmann Car Communications, John Deere Intelligent Vehicle Systems, Harmen Becker, General Electric, University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute and MI-SATS in the areas of antennas and navigation.
Teaching Experience
- Electromagnetic
- Location technology
- Electromagnetics I
- Electromagnetics II
- Antennas and Satellite-Based Positioning Systems
- Applied electromagnetics with emphasis on antenna design
- Modeling
- Analysis and vehicle-level measurements in the frequency range 600 MHz to 6,000 MHz
- S.K. Madhaven, E. Yasan, A. Patil and D.N. Aloi, “Method of Improving a Vehicle Emergency Call Network,” Assignee: General Motors, Patent #: 20,070,152,877 A1, 2007.
- Daniel N. Aloi, Stephen P. Schwinke, and Jeffrey M. Stefan, “Method and System for Determining a Navigating Vehicle Location,” Assignee: General Motors, Patent #: 6,745,124 B2, June 1, 2004.
- Jeff Stefan, Daniel N. Aloi and Richard Kacel, “Method and System for Reducing For Reducing Maneuver Proximity Diameter For a Waypoint Navigation System,” Assignee: General Motors, Patent #: 6,625,538 B2, September 23, 2003.J
- eff Stefan, Richard Kacel and Daniel N. Aloi, “Method and System for Reducing Shape Points for a Navigation System,” Assignee: General Motors Patent #: 6,567,741 B1, May 20, 2003.
- Jeff Stefan, Jasmin Jijina, Richard Kacel, Daniel N. Aloi and John Correia, “Method and System for Detecting Anomalous Road Geometry for a Navigation System,” Assignee: General Motors, Patent #: 6,466,864 B1, October 15, 2002.
Selected Publications
1. Daniel Llamocca and Daniel N. Aloi, “Self-reconfigurable implementation for a Switched Beam Smart Antenna,” Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, revised manuscript under review.
2. Xiang He Ph.D. , Daniel N. Aloi and Jia Li, “Probabilistic Multi-Sensor Fusion Based Indoor Positioning System on Mobile Device,” Sensors Journal, accepted on 12/9/2015.
3. Daniel N. Aloi and Abualkair Alkhateeb Ph.D. , “An Investigation via Simulation and Measurements to Assess Vehicle Impact on Personal Privacy Device Antenna Radiation Patterns,” NAVIGATION, Journal of the Institute of Navigation, Vol. 62, No. 2, pp. 151-160, 2015.
4. Elias Ghafari Ph.D. and Daniel N. Aloi, “Single-Pin, Single-Layer, Dual-band Patch Antenna for Global Positioning System and Satellite Digital Audio Radio System Automotive Applications,” Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, IET 8.13 (2014): 1066-1074.
5. Daniel N. Aloi, Elias Ghafari Ph.D. , Mohammad S. Sharawi and Ashley Steffes M.S. , “A Detailed Experimental Study on the Benefits of Electrically Grounding Glass Mounted GPS Antennas to the Vehicle Roof Top,” IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 8, No. 10, pp. 782-793, July 2014.
Best Session Paper Awards:
- Daniel N. Aloi and Ashley SteffesM.S., “Vehicle Impact on Personal Privacy Device (PPD) Impact,” Institute of Navigation 2012, Nashville, TN, September 17-21, 2012.
- Daniel N. Aloi and Sai KiranPost-Doc, “Failure Mode Analysis of Multipath Limiting Antenna,” Institute of Navigation, Institute of Navigation GNSS 2004, 21-24 September 2004, Long Beach, California.
Appointed to I.E.E.E. Senior Member Status (2007)
New Investigator Research Excellence Award at Twelfth Annual Faculty Recognition Luncheon, Oakland University, April 18, 2007.
Oakland University Appreciation Event Honoree - In recognition and appreciation for work in regards to grants, contracts and sponsored research. (9 November 2006)
Faculty Recognition Award at Ninth Annual Faculty Recognition Luncheon Honoree, Oakland University, April 15, 2004.
School of Engineering and Computer Science
115 Library Drive
Rochester , MI 48309-4479
(location map)
Dean's Office (248) 370-2217
Academic Advising (248) 370-2201
[email protected]